This completely natural gastric ulcer supplement for horses instantly comforts your horse’s stomach whilst being extremely gentle to the gut, as ulcers hurt!
Gastric ulcers in horses can vary. Some horses will have mild ulcers and other can be severe requiring veterinary treatment.
Stomach ulcers are essentially an acid burn to the stomach lining and common place with horses. Healing the gut therefore requires a coating to allow the stomach to repair. Gastro-S instantly soothes and comforts the stomach (gut) providing a natural jelly material that coats and helps health and restore gut health.
Gastro-S is ideal for horses that stress leading to ulcers, those prone to ulcers, following surgery, illness and minor stomach complaints.
The natural jelly like substance brings instant relief to the stomach whilst helping to restore the gut. Nil swab for competition (FEI 2024).
Contains 100 % natural ingredients of Slippery Elm and Psyllium boosting a super gentle and natural way to improving gut health. The unique mucilage forming gel will also bring relief to your horse fast!
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