Vitamin E for horses is a powerful natural supplement ensuring the best bioavailability and therefore the most potent antioxidant properties.
Vitamin E for horses is used to protect cellular function in the body and has a special role in supporting muscle, nerve, fertility and immune function.
Performance horses, particularly those who are prone to muscle soreness, ty up, as well as horses with limited access to fresh grass may need extra vitamin E supplemented to their diets.
Horses with Shivers and other nerve disorders or muscle weakness also benefit from this Vitamin E supplement.
Vitamin E aids the uptake of selenium and in addition aids immune and reproductive function. It is always advised that electrolyte and selenium status is checked if your horse is becoming frequently sore with work (and despite adequate conditioning).
Nutritional Breakdown:
Vitamin E as d-alpha-tocopherol acetate. Natural source.
1.5 grams; 780 IU
3 grams; 1560 IU
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