

Pollen-Ex - the natural horse supplement for pine, pollen + allergy support in horses


Pollen-Ex in a completely natural horse remedy using the power from nature itself. It contains potent antihistamine properties aiding airways and breathing when challenged by pollens, dusts and molds, or seasonal changes, coughs and colds.

Packed full of goodness! Pollen-Ex is a potent natural supplement to support your equine.


Pollen-Ex is a highly potent, natural horse supplement to support respiratory health during seasonal challenges or where immune health may be compromised.

What causes respiratory or allergy conditions in horses?

When the horse inhales various particulates such as dusts, moulds, and pollens these trigger an immune response, known as a histamine response.

When the body attempts to clear a foreign body from the airways, it switches on this response which generates more mucus. The result is sneezing, runny clear or white nasal discharge and may also be coughing. During this process, the mucus is produced to clear and expel the foreign matter and considered a healthy histamine response. However, when the histamine response becomes over-active, inflammation and narrowing of airways makes breathing more difficult. This can lead to heaves where the horse struggles to exhale and the heave line of the stomach can be seen.

How do i manage allergies in my horse?

It is important to alleviate symptoms of allergy and inflammation immediately. When mild this can be done by supporting immune health, reducing symptoms and inflammation along with reducing the contact of the allergen or particulates. This will greatly assist your horse in becoming more comfortable.

Pollen-Ex contains spirulina and garlic, natures natural antihistamines along with curcumin, liquorice and jiaogulan to support healthy airways and reduce the inflammatory response.

We recommend urgent veterinary attention if you horse is having problems breathing or is in distress.

A helpful guide to managing your horse's respiratory health:

  1. Ensure all known allergens are kept to a minimum such as feeding hay off the ground to avoid ground dusts and molds.
  2. Briefly soak hay (by fully immersing in water), this can be as quick as submerging and then hanging up a hay net. This will greatly reduce inhalation of dusts and molds.
  3. Identify paddocks with certain trees (for example pine) that may be causing a pollen allergy and shift to a more distant paddock when this pollen is active ie: over the spring months.
  4. Identify flowering grasses (with flowers and seed heads) ie: daisy, dandelion etc. When these grasses are in flower, where possible graze your paddock first with other livestock to eat the flowering grasses, before putting your horse in the paddock.
  5. Graze your horse on grass that is at least a few centimetres in growth to avoid inhaling the dust from the ground.
  6. Clean out the nose regularly. When grazing pasture, also consider a nose net to filter pollens and other allergens.
  7. Ensure if your horse is yarded or stabled, that it is well ventilated and any bedding is not dusty. There are a few new products to the market that offer dust free.
  8. If your horse has a sudden episode where he/she is having some respiratory issues, make sure you write any changes that you notice in the environment such as hot and dry, windy, drought conditions, new hay, different feeds, rode that day in a dusty arena etc, so you can have a quick reference point to narrow down what may be causing your horses respiratory discomfort.

When urgent veterinary attention is required

Allergies generally get worse if the horse's exposure to the allergen is not reduced. Pollen-Ex assists reducing the histamine response, therefore reducing symptoms and supporting the immune system. However, urgent veterinary attention is recommended if your horse shows signs of wheezing, asthma or has difficulty in breathing.

Herbal remedies do not replace veterinary care. If any symptoms persist, consult with your veternarian.



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500g, 1 Kg

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